Thursday, August 9, 2012

ZooQuest President's message

GVZQ has a dream. A dream where all children and their families will have the opportunity to explore, learn, and have hands-on-experience with native and exotic species.
GVZQ needs your donations today.
This is the shared dream of the Board of Directors, volunteers, members, donors and participants of our programming. The dream is close to fruition.
The building has been identified. The exhibit sketch models have been completed and the animals have been selected.
The business analysis and projections have been reviewed. The zoological center will be self-sustaining once the funds have been secured for the initial building and exhibit.
 What is needed now is a benefactor or group of benefactors who can invest in the future for many to enjoy. The name of the zoological center is available as a legacy.
Since January 2011, over 7,300 students have participated in GVZQ's educational programs. All of which have been free to local schools.
We are confident that once you review our information you will agree that this is a worthwhile project.
You will see your investment grow in the children as they become more competent stewards of their environment.

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