Monday, December 17, 2012

Senseless Shooting leaves us wondering

    Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 –who is to blame for the senseless shooting of 20 children and 8 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut?   It is not a matter of blame, it is a matter of grieving and letting the families cope with their life-changing  event.
     Yes, we should stop ranting about the politics of gun control, and look at the problem from another angle.

Today’s shooter was 20 years old, and mental problems.
NFL player shot girlfriend and himself. Was it mental or emotional issues?
Colorado Batman theatre shooter was 20s year old and had mental problems.
Arizona Senator Gabby Giffords shooter was 22 years old and had mental problems.
Virginia Tech Shooter was 23 years old. Did he have mental issues?
Ft. Hood shooter was in late 30s. Did he have mental or political issues?
Columbine shooters were teenagers. Did they have mental or emotional issues?
The list goes on, and each time society wants someone or something to blame it on.

None of them were licensed game hunters, one was in the military trained by our own government, so why do we keep pressing for stronger gun laws when the shooters are not following laws any way.

The day after I wrote this, actor Morgan Freeman posted a similar opinion on Face Book. He is more articulate, but the meaning was the same: Stop blaming the guns, look at the mental health of the shooters and the media coverage.

I say look at the political response as well.

We are all hurting from these events. We want to help ease the pain, but we are angry and want to lash out and stop future tragedy. So the officials proclaim, “More gun control!” “More safety procedures!”

Why doesn’t society quit blaming and posturing for the media, and start educating people about sensible gun control.

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