Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Borrowing" another blogger's blog

 If I knew how to post great FaceBook postings, I would. BUT, since I don't have the iota of knowledge how to do that, I have to turn back to "old school" techniques -- borrow and paste.
School has started (everybody knows that), so I am sharing TEN Funny Misconceptions of Moms and Back-to-School by a clever woman by the name of Diana.
One at a time. Check back for the others.

10 misconceptions of mom and back to school
Misconception Number 1: Moms miss their kids when they go back to school.
Seriously. I’ve had enough of you by now. Every morning with the “what are we going to do today, Mom?” is finally over. I’ve had looked at your face twenty-four seven for the last 77 days. It’s time to go learn something. No more asking me about the pool, when is the next snack or if you can stay up late and watch a movie. It’s over….You’re going back to Hogwarts and I get to have a life again. 
There is a Christmas morning for parents and it’s called “back to school.”


  1. This is great Brenda, I look forward to more.

    1. Yay! You are the first person to comment on any of my postings. Thanks Vickie.
